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Showing posts from August, 2017

Beximco is Redefining the Textile Industry

Textile Industries primarily deal with the design and creation of yarn, fabric, clothing and other diverse products. Such industries possess cutting edge composite design structures that enable them to churn out thousands of finished products almost every day. With the demand for quality clothing materials on the rise, textile industries have faced problems of wide expansion to necessitate the need for high demand. They possess integrated production facilities as well as exceptional design teams. Quality is of utmost importance in this prominent industry as buyers are willing to pay more for premium quality garments. One such giant of the textile sector is Beximco, the multi-national organization with diverse business ventures from Bangladesh. Their textile division - Bextex Ltd. under the organization produces some of the best quality fabric that the country can get its hands on. Led by renowned Bangladeshi businessmen , the company propels further by supplying the best in class ...